Restoration heals the broken-hearted 
sets the captives free!!
Restoration heals the broken-hearted and sets the Captives FREE!!!
Using God or Being Used By God
Jim Baker – Bob Tilton are examples of the recent past.

Biblical example: 1 Sam 13:3-14

The electronic media is riddled with examples of men who are using God instead of being used by him.

Are you using God or being used by God?

Signs of using God:

1)Religious spirits present ...................Matt 15:6
2)Rebellious attitudes............................1 Sam 15:23
3)Misuse of the scriptures....................Matt 22:29
4)Flagrantly breaking vows ................Jonah 2:9
5)Self-promotion......................................Matt 23:15

Signs of being used by God:

1)Willingness to serve and obey.........Is 1:19
2)Willing to wait on God.........................Ps 25:5
3)Waiting for God to promote you......Ps 27:14
4)Willing to make sacrifices.................Matt 10:39
5)An anointing accompanied by 
signs and wonders.........................Ex 3:14

The key to being used by God is loving him more than self.
(Matthew 10:39)

To be willing to give up our own agenda for your life and replace it with his.

You can achieve salvation without giving up much. -- But to be an overcomer, you are required to give up everything.

 To be willing to lose your life for his sake .  .  .  Only then will you find it.

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